
New Dreams - Chapter 1

Deviation Actions

RyoHeart's avatar

Literature Text

         The stale air grew cold as it rolled off the walls, the gray cement floor damp. The lack of windows making the room dark and dingy. The cage smaller than the animal it keep within it. A screaming whipping through the halls, awakening in a panic a red female wolf lifted her head, her crystal blue eyes darting to the door as the screams grew louder and her cream tipped ears perking as the gun shots began. Hearing nails scrapping across the door her heart began to beat faster, watching as it swung open the wolf jumped to her feet, her cream undercoat sticking to the flooring. The sounds of nails clicking on the floor allowed her to know where the intruder was walking, and it was coming right for her, the horror turning to excitement when another red wolf stepped out from the shadows, her cream undercoat running from the top of her muzzle to the end of her chest, her black legs almost disappearing in the darkness, her emerald eyes meet hers quickly.  
        'Amiria, how did you get in here!?' The female said.
        'Never mind that, we have to get you out of there!'

         Amiria quickly jumped up on the front of the cage, her cream colored toes falling through the bars, her teeth making a scraping noise as she bit on the latch that held it closed, followed by a cracking sound as the lock fell to the floor. The wolf quickly leaped from her cage lifting her large white wings, the feathers tingling as she stretched them. More gunshots sounded through the halls, both wolves ducking behind a metal counter as the door once again swung open, a black figure stepping into the room, a clicking sound as it slowly scanned the room.
         'Aoura as soon as you see an opening run for the door, don't worry sis you can do it!' Amiria thought.
          Hearing her sister’s voice running threw her head Aurora nodded to her then turned to the man who was now making his way through the room. Amiria quickly jumped onto another cage lined up beside them and began chewing the locks off, wolves began flooding out from their cages, stumbling out into runs as they made their way to the door, Aurora watched in horror as the wolves ran past her, some sliding into her as they tried to get grip on the floor, the figures face slid a smile across it and began laughing as his automatic gun began pinging around the room, shooting around before aiming at the wolves. Feeling herself being pushed Aurora made a dash for the door, her sister hot on her heels. Making it to the figure Aurora began sliding to a stop when a wolf fell in front on her, Amiria jumped flying over her sister she landed on the man growled as her teeth crunched into the gun. The man began to scream as Amiria pulled the gun from his hands and bit into the side of his neck, blood splattering around her face.

          Aurora slid out of the room with the other wolves jumping around her, Amiria letting the man go ran to her sister and ushered her to the stairs. The sounds of bullets rushing through the hall on the left side as wolves clambered to the stairs, others jumping from broken windows, some falling to the floor as bullets punchier threw their skin, blood spilling out onto the floor. Making it to the stairs Aurora was forced to jump over the heap of bodies falling down them, her sister pushing them away forcing her way through. Turning threw to another hall way they began to slow down as wolves ran from open rooms in the hall, losing her feet Aurora stumbled to the ground, sliding as wolves pushed her towards the opening doors. A shooting pain ran threw her neck as Amiria bit into a small hunk of her to pull her back onto her feet.
        'Come on Aurora, you have to pick up your feet, we can't stop now!'
         Hearing her sisters thoughts made her push herself, huffing hard she forced herself to jump as a wolf fell dead in front of her, the sun blinded her, the foul blood soaked air took her breath away as it hit her face, her eyes begin to adjust she could see the thousands of their kind running towards the broken fence. As she ran so many around her fell to the dirt, others being trapped in nets and cadges, unable to smell past the blood Aurora could only run, her eyes flashing around the area unable to focus threw those falling around her, the blood flinging up into face and body, Suddenly she felt herself falling, as a man slung his gun under her legs, tumbling over her head and rolling a few times, landing on her back, Aurora stunned by her landing flailed her feet as she tried to make it off her back, but came to a quick stop as the man walked up to her, the shadow forming over her she watched as the gun barrel raised, looking right down it Aurora’s heart stopped.
       Staring blankly Aurora waited for the end, she heard the click as he began to squeeze the trigger, a loud bang rang though her ears as the bullet nicked past her check, a large black wolf now stood over her, his teeth latched onto the gun barrel, his white paws pinning her down as he stood on her sprawled out wings. Feeling him jump she watched as he leaped onto the man, his teeth sinking into his arm, Amiria jumped onto the man’s back biting into his shoulder. Aurora struggled to her feet looking up her eyes fixed on the wolf who saved her. The white mark on his chin and muzzle now covered in blood as he munched into the man’s arm. Aurora hunkered down as a women shot at her, jumping from the man Amiria moved to her sisters side, and began to push her towards the gate. Breaking into a run they quickly made it to the fence and broke out into the forest surrounding it, the black male dashed in front of them his head turning to look at them.
     'What are you two doing, move get the fuck outa here!'
     'Come on Aurora, move it!'

       The large trees surrounding them echoed with the resealing of the leaves as they ran, and sticks cracking under their weight, the air grew heavier, jumping over a few large logs, the low tree limbs and bushes grabbing at them as they tore through the wood. Unable to catch her breath Aurora finally lost her footing, she stumbled to the ground and painfully slid across the muddy ground, her wings laying out beside her. Amiria and their new companion came to halting stop, her sister tracing her footsteps back, making her way back to her sister bumping her muzzle.
       'Amiria, I have to stop, I need a break!' She huffed.
      'Aurora we can't stop now, they will find us!' Amiria said.
      'Amiria, please I can't....'
     'Stop whining, we stay here we die, then the ache in your feet won’t matter anymore than it does now.' The male growled.
     'Hey, back off!' Amiria snapped her jaws towards him.

       Rolling his eyes the male turned and began walking on, Aurora pushed herself up, her feet stinging whimpering a bit she forced herself to walk, Amiria licked her check and made helped get her feet, hearing the gun shots echoing through the trees the three quickly began in a run. They made time and soon came across a small town, the town seemed died, no humans in the streets, doors and shutters locked. The three lay low beside the town edge.
         'Can we risk it, there isn't any way around, and the gate is open, we could make it right?' Aurora asked.
         'It's a trap, as soon as we make it to the gate they will kill us..' The male answered, as he scouted the area.
        'We might be able to make it through the side, we just have to wait for some wolves to make it here. Use them as a decoy..'
        'What are you saying Amiria, we can't use others as bait. We all have been through enough, we need to stick together. If enough of us rush the gait we could make it!'
        'We rush the gate we wouldn't know if we would make it, we have a better chance to wait for a decoy and go around them.'

       Amiria quickly began sneaking towards the side of the gate, the male behind her. Aurora suddenly remembered her sister letting the wolves go in the lab as well, all their body's falling around her, and did Amiria use them as a decoy for their escape.
        'Amiria, we can't do this. Their lives aren’t any better than ours, we can't just let them die!' Amiria quickly turned and stared into her sister’s eyes.
        'My job is to protect my sister, then my pack. I will not let us die here, mother always told us not to forget each other, and every day since we were separated I have planned on how to get us out, together!'

        'How heartwarming, how about option three?'
  The three wolves jumped as a fourth appeared from the underbrush, Amiria quickly stepped in front of her sister and raised her hackles, her teeth shining as her lip curled up, his cream coat was soft, brown redish spots above his nose and eye, also splattered on his shoulders and hips, his deep blue eyes scanning the three, a large grin crossing his muzzle.
      'Let your hackles down, if I was a threat I would have already taken all of you down, if you would like to live I have another plan for you, you can fallow me.'
    'Why on earth would we go with you, we don't even know you!' Amiria growled.
     'My name is Dranx, I am a escape just like you. I have just been out a lot longer then you, I protect Zifter like us. Now you know me.'
     'Come on Amiria, you let me join you and you don't know me. He is right, we have no other choice, lay low until it dies down.' The man bumped her neck softly.
      'You are different, you save my sisters life!'
          Dranx snorted before moving off into the bushes, the male fallowing him within a few moments, without even turning around. Amiria growled but also fallowed, Aurora was quick to pick up after her sister, her wings brushing across the ground covering their foot prints. He led them into a home on the outskirts of town, inside a women stood guard, Dranx insured she wouldn't hurt them and they made their way down a trap door.
           Once down stairs the group looked around in amazement, had to be at least fourteen wolves down there, and about five humans. Aurora made her way to a corner and laid down, her feet throbbing, her wings draping down around her. The others stared at her, two of the wolves where black and white, gold horns on their head, one had a long puffy tail, the other no tail at all. A grey wolf sat next to them, his fur standing on end, a lot like the male who sat with them, his fur was also failed up, nervous and uneasy.
           So many others sat around, some with just odd colors, others with intents or horns, even some with what looked like hair coming from their main. Suddenly a few of the humans began talking, unable to understand quite a few hunkered down from years of habit, others began growling, Amiria and their new friend being one of them.
           'Everyone calm down, we would like to show you how to blend into the town with the humans, we want you to have a chance of living out here, we are a group that helps our 'pack' as it was put earlier. So please carefully watch my friend here, then me.'

      Dranx turned to a man with white hair on top, and black color underneath, lime green eyes shinned threw his straggly bangs. His long lanky body began to deform, it began to shrivel into itself, his hair breaking out all over his body, his face began to longate and his teeth began to grow, his ripped clothes falling peace by peace to the floor. Before anyone knew it a wolf with a white top coat, and black undercoat stood in front of them, his lime green eyes still shimmering. The others began to freak, gasping and yelling asking what happen, how he did this.
       Then Dranx began getting taller, another female human stood behind him holding a blanket up, and Dranx's face slowly began to peer over the blanket, it was shortening his soft tan fur leaving his body and forming sandy brown hair on top of a human head. Now everyone was gasping, most stood straight up, others stared in amazement, Aurora felt a tingle in her stomachic as she watch their display. The wolf stepped forward and sat down in front of them all, his tail curled around his leg.

              'We are Zifter, not wolves, and not humans. Most of you know the Virus XJ87, it began whipping out the humans six years ago, and is still rampaging out there beyond that wall. We are immune to this Virus, and this is why the human’s research on us, they hope to find a cure within our blood. But what most of you do not know, is that most of  their testing is putting human dna into us before we are born, giving many of us the ability of turning human. This is how we hide from the humans, we have mastered our human form, and it takes a lot of effort to stay in this form. WE are going to train YOU to be able to do this gift, and be able to stay hidden within the human world.'
          'Why would we want to turn into and be those that tortured us for years, we escaped to get away from those humans, not become them!'
        Amiria growled and stood, her hackles rising as her anger grew.
       'You want to live, you have to fit in. If you can't fit in you die, there is no way to hide multiple wolves. The humans are unaware we have this gift, so none of them are looking for humans. This pack saves as many as we can, if you do not want to live then we will allow you to go back out and fin for yourself, just as wolves do.'

       Amiria turned to Aurora, and sighed. Aurora knew what her sister was thinking, even if she didn't send her words to her, she was first priority, if it saved her life, her sister would do it. Aurora stood and smiled at her sister nuzzling her nose, then turned to the wolf speaking at nodded.
     'What do we do?'
     'Dig into your abilities, feel yourself changing. Close your eyes and imagine yourself as a human if you must. When you change hold it as long as you can, the longer you hold it the more often and the longer you can do it each time. There is a blanket beside each of you, be sure to cover yourself before you change, your fur doesn’t come along, and neither does your clothing.'
      'No one wants everyone looking at their naked body’s!' Another wolf added.

         Aurora watched as everyone pulled the blanket over them, and one by one began to close their eyes. She too took the blanket into her mouth and pulled it over her wings, closed her eyes and tried to picture herself as a human. She felt a pain in her legs, her face felt like it was ripping and her new creamy skin burned, as the fur hid away, crying softly at the pain she tried to keep it in as much as she could. Once she opened her eyes she pulled the blanket around her now human form. Aurora picked up a few strands of her strawberry red hair, long curly locks dangled softly around her face and back, dropping her hair she lifted her hands and looked at her fingers long and lanky.
            She turned to her sister who was a few inches taller than her, her deep red hair also curled around her face, a bit shorter than her own, the same green eyes peered out behind her bangs. The male who joined with them was very tall, he stood almost a full head over Aurora, his soft handsome face had a very strong chin bone and his black hair was to his shoulders, the same green eyes checking out his new large hands.
          They began looking around, quite a few had made it into their human forms, others were still changing, others couldn't change, most all where staggering to their feet. The wolf who spoke to them took the remainders who couldn't change back upstairs, the others turned to Dranx, who was equally really handsome, as he stepped forward.

        "Now hold it as long as you can, each time you change, eventually you will be able to control the change. Now we have a few homes set up for a few of you, the others will have to stay here until we can get more. Amiria, Aorura, and your friend will be staying with me, I have plenty of room."
         "Wait a min Dranx, who said we want to stay with you!?"
        "Would you rather stay here, it takes a while to find homes, I am sure you will love this nice dark cellar, I could always bring some other three with me."
         Aurora stumbled to her feet, holding onto Amiria's shoulder she whispered into her ear, but everyone stopped when loud bang of the upstairs door swinging open was heard, dust fell from the floor boards as the knocking of shoes tapped across the floor. Dranx put his finger up to his mouth and made his way around the circle, telling them all to cover as much with the blankets as they could. He stopped next to Amiria, as the doors opened a few men in a blue uniform entered the basement, Dranx quickly waves his hand to them.
         "Cold day isn't it, we were wondering when we could go home!" Dranx joked.
         "We are just checking the area, making sure it is clear and everyone is safe, is anyone in need of medical attention?"
          "Nah, we all good down here. Just waiting to get on home it'll be dark soon we know how much you hate people out after dark."
          "I don't recognize a lot of you, where did they come from?" A second guard commented.
          Dranx placed his hand on the small of Amiria's before she could move forward, felling her uneasiness he smiled and laughed.
         "They have been down here quite a while, these are some of the refugees that didn't have homes when you let them in a few weeks back."
         "We believed to have gathered homes for all, they have been checked for the Virus correct."

         Dranx nodded, but a guard took out his flash light anyway. He started flashing the light into each eye as he went down the line, when the man met with Aurora he looked at her funny, he kind of examined her. Thinking maybe her wings where showing she folded them in extra tight, felling the cramp extend down each feather, she whimpered a bit.
The man moved onto Amiria who if looks could kill would have exploded by now, Dranx curled his fingers on her back and smiled at the guard, who continued in his exams. Once he reached the last he turned to the others and nodded, then moved back into his place next to the others.
         "Anyone experiencing any coughing, sneezing, dizziness, or light headiness?"
         Everyone stood silent, Aurora felt weak in her legs. The cramp in her wings grew much worse and started moving its way through her legs, placing a hand on the male beside her she lifted on leg a bit trying to relieve some of the pain. Felling herself beginning to turn back she began losing a little of her height, the guard turned to her, watching her. Suddenly the male beside her swung around in front of her, surprised her eyes meet his and a soft tingle fluttered threw her chest, he sighed before his hand lifted running a finger to her ear and his lips moved onto hers. Aurora's face flushed red, she couldn't even breath, standing in shock she didn't even notice Dranx grabbing her sister arm to keep her from attacking.
          "Well then, I think we might have to ditch the blankets. Getting pretty hot down here!" Dranx laughed.
          Finally feeling satisfied the guards looked at each other and two began walking upstairs, the main guard put his flash light back into his belt loop and turned towards the stairs.
          "The alert is over, please return to your homes before dark hits. Those who do not have homes please file in with use later so we can establish a decent living place for you."

         As the door shut Aurora felt herself fall down into her wolf form, sitting down her wings filling out behind her. Amiria quickly flung herself away from Dranx and pushed the male backwards, before her to transformed, her anger forcing her back. Growling she checked on her sister before turning back to him.
         'What do you think you are doing, we don't even know your name and your just going to throw yourself onto my sister!?'
        'He saved her, if he hadn't done that and she turned into her wolf form we all would have been shot. He gave her something else to think about.'
          Dranx came around behind Aurora and looked at her, almost as if he was check to make sure she was ok. Amiria's hackles lifted, annoyed she turned to Dranx glaring at him, Aurora finally coming to her senses looked up at her sister and poked her with her nose.
          'Can we leave now, this place reminds me of my cage...' She muttered softly.
         'Feng....' The male said.
         'What?' Amiria snapped.
        'My name is Feng...'
        'Nice ta meet ya Feng, well I am with the little lady. Let’s get back into our human form and get the hell out of here.'

          Aurora hadn't thought about having to change back, but Dranx had already pulled the blanket over her again and himself, his body once again began to grow longer, his soft fur disappearing and hiding away. Covering his body with the blanket he turned to them and groaned, Amiria sighed and her body also began to long gate, Feng also began to turn. Aurora felt weak, but she also managed to make herself turn, stumbling to her feet Aurora couldn't seem to move her feet, she used the wall to hold herself up. Amiria was also having a hard time figuring out her feet. Dranx grabbed her shoulders as she began to fall, looking up at him she tried to pull away but wasn't sure how to move her feet away from the wall herself. Feng was pretty much a natural, he could walk slowly, Dranx showed them one step at a time and eventually where able to make it up the stairs. Upstairs awaited a women with some clothing and one open room, Amiria went first she was pretty quick, she stepped out with annoyed face, her blue jeans where a little too big, and her black belly shirt was to small showing of a small bit of her small mid drift.
           Feng went next and came out with black jeans and a navy blue shirt, it was tight, defined his body. Aurora stepped in with a green dress that was low cut in the back, allowing her wings to be free. After pulling it on she turned to the mirror and jumped back into the wall, looking closer she sighed as she moved her hand to her chest. Looking closer she noticed that the person in the room with her was herself, moving closer she could see her slim body, her wings where half the length she was, and her hair flowed down past her butt. Looking up she couldn't help but run her index over her lips, remembering the kiss her face once again flushed. Shacking off the memory she made her way out of the room but was stopped when everyone stopped to stare at her.
           "No, no we can't have your wings exposed. Humans don't have wings... We need to find some way to cover them or you can't leave here.." Dranx announced, searching the table of clothes.
          "How are we going to cover those huge things!?" Feng asked.

       Suddenly Aurora didn't feel so great about her choice, she watched as her Dranx searched, lowering her wings she felt herself drooping. Moving back she felt herself lowering, her skin aching as her fur grew back over her skin. The dress she had chosen falling in shreds to the floor, Aurora whimpered as Dranx began muttering to himself, Amiria joined him in looking for something to help her sister fit in.
        "How far away is your place, I think her constant changing will oppose a problem also.." Feng laughed.
        "Back off Feng and help us look would ya!" Dranx yelled before Amiria even had the chance.
      Feng rolled his eyes and moved to the table, Amiria growled as she slapped him in the back of the head. Aurora sat motionless, she didn't know what to do, or what to even say. She was becoming a problem for the others, and she hated that, she only wanted to help but her useless wings did nothing but stick her out like a sore thumb. She was brought from her daydream when she felt a cloth brush across her nose, looking up her sister stood as she held up another white dress and a black cloak that was perfect. Aurora began to lift again, she felt a cold draft all over her body and was startled when both men grunted and the female human jumped in front of her.
         "Hunny, you can't just change like that, your naked, boys you best be turning your heads!"
         "Come on Lilly don't ruin the fun, its not like I can see anything with you and Amiria's big butt in the way!" Dranx laughed.
       Aurora pulled her wings around her, covering her front as she slowly walked backwards into the room. Amiria handed her the clothes and shut the door before turning and throwing a mean look at the boys, Aurora quickly put the new dress on and put the cloak around her, reaching up to tie it at the neck. Sighing she pulled her wings in as much as she could, they were almost unnoticeable beside the small hump on her back, sighing she stepped back out and looked up at the others, who nodded in agreement and started out. Dranx opened the door slowly sticking his head out he glanced around, then moved out the three falling behind him, the town was full of humans, walking around talking on the side. Running into shops before they had to be home, Aurora couldn't help but stare in amazement, she had never seen a town before, or this many humans at once. The light was very dim as the sun sunk behind the tall gates, the walls surrounding the town also ran around the forest and the giant lab behind them, Aurora couldn’t even look at it, the emotions still to fresh in her mind of the day, all those deaths for nothing.
       Her thoughts where dropped when Dranx grabbed her arm and pulled her into him, two women groaning and muttering as they glared at her. Turning to him she looked up at him unsure as to why he moved her, then she noticed her feathers where showing from under her cloak. Smiling he gave her a little wink and began walking again, Feng rolled his eyes as he stepped past her, Amiria took her hand as they walked behind the boys, Aurora sighed in frustration what could she do about her wings, they caused so much trouble, but they were also a part of her.
      Dranx led them around a somewhat large building a bit away from the shack they came from before stopping at a decent looking house, jumping up the stairs and onto the large white porch he turned to look at them and opened the front door and walked in, they made their in to a nice sized hall, from there they could see the decent sized kitchen, the red wood cabinets worked well with wood flooring around the house, the dining room was a little larger than the kitchen and a four sitting table. The living room was blocked by the tan colored walls, but they could see a bedroom straight down the way, Dranx shut the door behind them and waved them into the house.
        “Welcome, come on it and relax the shades are always drawn here so no one can see in here, don’t worry you can be yourself in my home.”

          Aurora was the first to change back to her wolf form, relaxing her body and wings, her cloak being the only thing that made it trough the change. Dranx spoke to the others before they walked down the hall way to the bathroom and bedrooms, leaving Aurora alone in the hall way, sighing she completely she realized she did something wrong again, pulling the cloak from her neck she walked trough the hallway, the wood floor feeling wired under her paws, slippery and she couldn’t really get her gripping. She made it to the living room, she hadn’t ever seen half the things in this house, other than the reruns her handler use to watch. She didn’t see a tv, but she did see a couch and books, she seen that many times. Turning she noticed none of the doors except the front door had knobs, she watched as Amiria swung open the bathroom door and made her way to her. Dranx came from a door on the other side, guessing to be his bedroom.
       ‘Alright, next time Aurora take the clothes off first, they are really hard to come by and we can’t just keep getting more.’
      ‘Sorry, I couldn’t hold it any longer.’
      ‘Well next time try to, I won’t be kissing you anymore to keep your ass out of trouble.’ Feng muttered stepping out of the room on the other side.
      ‘You shouldn’t have kissed her the first time, there are other ways to distract someone!’ Amiria growled.
     ‘Change of subject here, I only have two rooms, we have a choice. The girls can sleep in the guest room, it has a king bed plenty of room. Feng you can either crash on my floor or you can take the couch.’
     ‘Couch, I don’t crash around other males. No offence.’ Feng answering, shaking his fur out.
     ‘None taken man, so there is plenty of anything you need in there. I am going to head to my room, long day and long one tomorrow too. My house is your house, if you’re hungry kitchen is that way, if not you can do something else you find.’
      Dranx nodded his head a goodnight and made his way into the room behind him. Feng snorted and made his way to the kitchen, Amiria fallowed him in, both of them ransacking the fridge. Aurora sighed and walked into the bedroom, jumping onto the bed and finding a comfy spot before laying down, making sure to dangle her wings off the bed so her sister had room.

       Spotting a chicken Amiria pulled it from the fridge and began comping down, Feng pulled off some meat himself, both laid opposite each other.
      ‘So why did you save my sister anyway, why did you even fallow us?’ Amiria asked, looking up at him as she munched on a leg.
      ‘Honestly, I was just going after the man. She just happen to be laying there when I did.’ Feng answered.
       ‘So why did you kiss her?’
       ‘What’s with the million question essay?’
       ‘If you are going to be traveling with us, I want to know you.’ Amiria snorted.
      ‘Look, I can leave any time I want. The only reason I am still with you two is because Dranx said he had a place to rest my head for the night, now can you back off.’

     Feng stood growling low, he pushed the rest of the chicken towards Amiria and made his way into the living room. Amiria finished off what was left and stood, unsure what to do with the bones she shrugged it off and walked to the room. Entering the room she was surprised to see Aurora still awake, raising her head she turned to her.
     ‘What are we going to do, are we going to stay here?’ A course look on her face.
     ‘I would rather leave, being in a human village makes me uncomfortable.’ Amiria jumped onto the bed and snuggled up close to her sister.
    ‘But we don’t know anything about what’s beyond the wall. It’s not safe to just run around alone is it?’
    ‘We don’t know anything about this place either, I would rather take my chances out there. At least nothing out there is going to stick me in a cage and prick me eighteen times a day.’ Amiria snorted.
    ‘Amiria, what department did they put you in after they separated us?’ Aurora laid her head down on her paws.
   ‘They put me with the Guard, I guarded the gate and walked with them as they moved wolves to other cages.’ Amiria’s eyes glazed over as she remembered.
   ‘Did they hurt you?’ Aurora asked with concern.
   ‘I had a hard time with the pups, they all reminded me of us. They always asked the same questions. Where is my mother, where are we going, do we get to leave now, why isn’t anyone going with me? I just had to eventually stop answering them. I couldn’t lie to them.’ Amiria turned to her little sister and smiled softly.
   ‘The entire time I was searched for a way out, I just keep thinking how I would get you out. Finally I did it, once the riot broke out in the court yard everyone else started running. I didn’t see what happen, but I seen the hole bust open in the fence, and knew I had to find you fast.’
   Aurora smiled, this was the sister she remembered. The first smile she seen since they got out the grumpy, angry Amiria was faded just enough for her to see the happy sister she once remembered. The lab had changed her so much, but she was still there, and Aurora was happy about that.
       ‘Alright, time to go to sleep. We will figure out tomorrow what we want to do.’
        Amiria nuzzled her nose before laying her head down. Aurora sighed and laid her head on her sisters back, memories of the day flooding back to her, repeating over and over in her head.
This is the beginning of my new novel, it is a ruff draft I haven't done a reread or even double checked for miss spelling yet. I am VERY excited about this book, and I would REALLY like to hear feed back on it, PLEASE let me know what you REALLY think about it!
I tried to get most the idea into the chapter, I hope I didn't make is sound awkward

All Characters belong to me and are personal character, please no stealing!
Plot and book idea are mine, as well as the writing, no stealing!
© 2016 - 2024 RyoHeart
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RyoHeart's avatar
Just an update I am rewriting this chapter, I have a different Idea, this chapter pretty much killed my inspiration for the story because I couldn't really seem to think what to do next. But the new chapter will keep from so many questions. Tem I am going to try and place your characters in the first Chapter, I need some pack members and I didn't make Mars pack so I got stuck